Family Satsang


Our Family Satsangs have been growing! The third Sunday of every month, a group of beautiful families gather together to explore the teachings, play games, chant and meditate together. 

The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Los Angeles warmly welcomes families to our programs and activities.

Family satsangs occur monthly  from 10:30 to 11:45 AM usually on the third Sunday of the month.  Please check the center calendar for any date changes. The family satsangs are specifically designed for families and children (from birth up to 12 years). The programs support families going deeper in their spiritual practices in the safe and friendly environment of Shambo Hall. Shambo means “the abode of bliss”, and Shambho Hall is indeed a place for families and children to come together to celebrate and express the experience of bliss. Often, the teens and young adults participate and help host these programs. 

Teens & Young Adults
Kishors are teens 13 – 16. Kishor is a sanskrit word that means: Youthful, Fresh, Vigorous. In ancient India, sages considered the years between 13 and 16 to be the ideal time to pursue the spiritual path , to begin to look at the fundamental questions in life, and to discover the inner realms.

Yuvas are teens and young adults 17 – 24. Yuva is a Sanskrit word that means: Young, Healthy, Strong. The years between 17 and 24 are ideal time to embrace our strengths and to get to know ourselves in depth, and to create a life of abundance, meaning and joy within.

We invite you to join us for satsangs, chants and other events. Feel free to email the Taruna Poshana department head with any questions.

Subscribe to the family mailing list below if you’d like to receive notification of our family programs.

Stay informed about upcoming satsangs